Sep 29, 2010


Image: webof-love at

Gonna engulf you:
Hell to those who'd tamper with
My imminent plans!

Check out more items using the three magic words (engulf, imminent, tamper) at Three Word Wednesday!

Sep 27, 2010


When did I demote
You to a duke? It's been years . . . 
Since I called you King!
Image: LanWu at
For the Poetry Potluck at Jingle Poetry (kings, queens & warriors prompt)!

Sacred Passage

Fall's sacred passage:
Like a gold bird's feathers the
Burst of falling leaves.

Image: confucius-zero at

Written for Haiku-Heights and the prompt of Sacred.

Sep 23, 2010


Find out what it means:
Give it up to me!

Only a day late for Sensational Haiku Wednesday and just in time for Jingle's Thursday Poets Rally!

Sep 22, 2010

J is for Jingle

This is for my poet friend Jingle! It's brought to you by ABC Wednesday and the letter J!
Image: ndinellh at

J is for Jingle . . .
Joyful encouraging bird
Like sweet sound of bells.

Sep 20, 2010

Springtime! And Nectar!

Image: mordachai71 at

Springtime! And Nectar!
Pure bliss 24/7!
My angels just rock.

I wrote this Haiku a while ago, but found it a good fit for Haiku Heights' prompt of "Bliss."

Sep 18, 2010

Exploit's Evidence

Another Wordle prompt from Big Tent Poetry; I also tried a new form this week called an Etheree (thanks for telling me about it, Amanda!). This form uses 10 lines and 1 through 10 syllables, either ascending or descending; it allowed me to use all words in the Wordle.

Exploit's evidence: half-eaten debris
Blurred tongue swarms to embellish answers
Skirt reality, chant garbage
Of our possibilities
But it's temporary . . .
I'm just your dock; a
Straining backbone
Your weight like
A child

Sep 15, 2010

Blueberry Waffles

Image: yoanna92 at

Blueberry waffles
Then for lunch, chicken tacos . . .
Tonight, a picnic!

Written for Sensational Haiku Wednesday's prompt "food." This little piece came to me as I finished readying dinner!

Be Hushed

 A fib poem (1 1 2 3 5 8 syllables) for Three Word Wednesday's prompts of demure, offend, volatile.

Image: ceressiass at
Give nothing
That offends sense and
Wakes up that volatile dragon.

I Is For Imagination

Image: rache-engel at

Hold, play, laugh, breathe, stay, believe
Where our love unfolds.

This poem brought to you by ABC Wednesday and the letter I! And my own Imagination!

Sep 13, 2010


Image: Spider-Kiss at

Shackled to home pray:
Recover, relieve, freed by
Written for Haiku-Heights and the prompt Appreciation. 

Sep 11, 2010

Some Superpowers

Some  superpowers
That only melt mascara
Stutter, freeze the heart. 

Image: little-pancake at

Written for Big Tent Poetry and the prompt, "What would you say, if you had not said what you did?"

Sep 9, 2010


Image: Oko-Nocy at

Beauty autumnal:
Rich and warm burnished splendor
Knowing of its grace.

Written for Haiku-Heights and their prompt of Beauty.

Sep 8, 2010

charm, feast, robust

I bet you're robust
Though you charm like a schoolboy:
Oh, to feast on you!

Written for Three Word Wednesday, three keywords in italic. This one doesn't need a picture to accompany. Hoping for some clean inspiration next week, please.       :-)

Belongings, Home

Image: kinly at       
Liquidate my life
Shed belongings of roof, bed
Fly to a new Home.

Written for Sensational Haiku Wednesday (belong or belonging) and for  ABC Wednesday (using the letter H; which makes me think of Home).

Sep 7, 2010

You Could Rest

Another fib poem (experimental American haiku, 1 1 2 3 5 8 structure). Written for Jingle's Poets Rally Week 28.

Image: Foxfires at
Rest in
Sweet room after room
Of my tender feelings for you!

Sep 4, 2010

Big Tent: Word Pool

A lousy raise communicated by e-mail: that was my inspiration for Big Tent Poetry's weekly prompt. The assignment: to borrow words from whatever struck us at any given moment – finding words from our everyday lives – even if it meant stealing the words of others.

At least "the impersonal nature of this e-mail" ... a great line that wouldn't fit into my fib poem ... was rich with inspiration. All words straight from the boss's e-mail; just shuffled up a bit. :-) The spirit remains the same.

Thank You

For hard work
Your new salary
I am sorry you will see it.

Sep 2, 2010

Soooo Determined

So determined to
Seduce me when all I want:
Peace, silence and thought!

Image: ~wwit at


Sep 1, 2010

break, negative, surface

Image: ~sndr at

Overwhelms, breaks soft places--
Leaves a hard surface.

Written for Three Word Wednesday, three keywords in italic.

G Is For ... Gyrates?

Gym Guy Gyrates
What's he working? Glutes? Please God
Help him finish fast!

Image Credit: ~SoopermanLover at

This poem brought to you by ABC Wednesday and the letter G!