Jun 26, 2011

Thirst-Quenchingest Drink

ice-cold, tall, bubbly
and fresh with cheers that echo
"He is gone at last!"

Written for Haiku-Heights and the prompt Quench.

See Me Through

through my
bravest time
Push, cajole me, watch
Encourage and don't let me fall!

This is a fib poem (experimental haiku) using 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 syllables. Each line is the sum of the previous 2 lines (e.g., 3 plus 5 = 8). Fibs begin with an unseen 0, which is why the first two lines have 1 syllable each.

Jun 7, 2011

Quit Using

Quit using my soap:
Doesn't it hurt your manhood
to smell like roses?