Sep 5, 2011


Joining Haiku-Heights' haiku-a-day September challenge now with the prompt of kiss. Better late than never, as with this little poem! ; )


Straightaway I'd kiss
that mouth and press my body
too, for I've waited!

Aug 24, 2011

I Learned


i learned that loving's
shown in deeds but easy words
ring hollow, hollow.

Aug 21, 2011

Gather the Mending


Gather the mending:
I will renew your tattered
most beloved things!

Jun 26, 2011

Thirst-Quenchingest Drink

ice-cold, tall, bubbly
and fresh with cheers that echo
"He is gone at last!"

Written for Haiku-Heights and the prompt Quench.

See Me Through

through my
bravest time
Push, cajole me, watch
Encourage and don't let me fall!

This is a fib poem (experimental haiku) using 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 syllables. Each line is the sum of the previous 2 lines (e.g., 3 plus 5 = 8). Fibs begin with an unseen 0, which is why the first two lines have 1 syllable each.

Jun 7, 2011

Quit Using

Quit using my soap:
Doesn't it hurt your manhood
to smell like roses?

May 28, 2011

Do You Remember

Do you remember
how fervent our June start?
Will you let me know?

Written for Sensational Haiku Wednesday's prompt "anniversary." Congrats SHW on your anniversary!

May 26, 2011

Rain-Soaked Petals

Rain-soaked petals the
carpet for walk umbrella'd
by flowering trees.


Submitted for Haiku-Heights and inspired and the prompt "solitude."

May 19, 2011

Cuckoo Workoo

On his blog, Eric Alder throws some amazing haiku tantrums called Haiku Koo-Koo. Yesterday I decided to quickly crank out my own batch--all related to the workday--as I passive-aggressively waited out quitting time. Fun to blow off steam and share with Jingle's Poetry Rally! Rally on and enjoy...especially if you are reading these on the clock ;-)

His Hotmails go
straight to work email's junk:
Right where they belong.

I'll never wear this
bra with this t-shirt again:
Sweatercoat rescue.

New York bosses want
everything yesterday:
They squeeze us, bleed us.

IM spells danger:
Could've been fired for the
naughty things I did.

Someone lunched on fish
then polluted the garbage:
Stinky reminder.

I wonder how my
fantasy baseball's going?
Time to take a look.

If I just made more
money I could afford to
leave this quiet death.

May 18, 2011

I Count

 I count syllables:
 Jot sticky-note haiku and
 Wait 'til quitting time.


May 17, 2011

Healing Is Knowing


Healing is knowing,
finding and loving what's best
for you, only you.

Written for Haiku-Heights and the prompt "heal."

Apr 18, 2011

Finding New Cool


Finding new cool on
the crisp weave of springtime sheets:
Flung out, not huddled.

Written for Jingle Poetry Potluck: These are a few of my favorite things...

Mar 22, 2011

You've Never Had

Image Credit

 You've never had a
woman at home; probably
a damn good reason!