Aug 31, 2010

Poets Rally Week 27 Awards!

I want to thank my new friends Jingle and Rosidah for the beautiful awards! Thanks especially to Jingle, just for being you! Five awards from Jingle:

The Most Considerate Poet Award
The Most Stylish Poet Award
The Most Mindful Poet Award

Happy Best Friend Day Award
Talented Blogger Award

An award from Rosidah:

 Friends are the Best Award


Resuscitatable? Mine!

Written for Haiku-Heights and their weekly prompt of "Resurrection."
Image: ~chanamoura at

Aug 30, 2010

If I Could Lift

Another fib poem (1 1 2 3 5 8).

 If I Could Lift

Could lift
And spin you
Above, hear you laugh
Exuberant and unafraid.

Aug 29, 2010

Jingle Awards!

I'm handing out Jingle Awards to these bloggers of note this week:

Most Creative Blogger:
 for her many talents, including writing a beautiful spur-of-the-moment piece.

Most Elegant Blogger: for many accomplishments this week, including making many of us laugh!
Best Weekly Photo Award: for the lovely picture and poem that is all about home.

~Awards given by way of Jingle's Weekly Poetry Rally. If you haven't done it, give it a try!

Fibs and Other Pursuits

I first heard of Fibonacci and Fib Poetry on Tumblewords's site. Her lovely poem and the short 1 1 2 3 5 8 line structure (each line being the sum of syllables of the preceding two lines) got me intrigued. Here's my first try at telling a fib, and the leisurely pursuit that got me there:

Image: ~xartez at

Last Day

Last Sunday
Need to sun legs, breasts
Grab summer; ironing will wait.

Aug 28, 2010

F Is For . . . Fireworks!

Image credit: ~erroid at

Fireworks Flowers
Pop up rowdy overhead:
Fruitless try to count!

This poem brought to you by ABC Wednesday and the letter F!

Big Tent Poetry: Hands

Undainty and Large
Undainty and large:
Vein-trees grow atop old scars
But these are strong hands!

Green Beans
Finger, thumb pinch the
Tops off beans; snip-crisp! snip-crisp!
Says dinner to me.

These poems were written for Big Tent Poetry's weekly prompt on hands.

Aug 27, 2010

You're Born

You're born to bitter
Winter but you were conceived . . .
On May's sweet breezes!

Aug 26, 2010

Raise Up, Reach

Raise up, reach, young trees
Let your canopies unfold:
Skies alone hold you!

Thank you to Jingle for the beautiful award!
This was written for Thursday Poets Rally.

Aug 25, 2010

abstain, halo, prayer

Abstaining from prayer
Tuning out the good angel:
Dents to the halo.

This haiku written for Three Word Wednesday; three key words in italic.


Two haiku about my hands on the keyboard. Now they need to go to work!

Bumps on "F" and "J"
Lead me to home row; I wait:
Curved, poised and thinking.

I Hover
I hover and wait . . .
Caressing keys as he pecks
Away at his own.

Aug 24, 2010

Ugly for Women

Ugly for women,
Clip-nailed, large, cut, burned, scarred:
But these hands are strong!

My Hands, Struggle

This week's prompt at Big Tent Poetry is to observe your hands doing a task. Doubt this is my final for the week, but my hands found something last night.

Haiku-Heights, a site that inspired yesterday's Festival haiku, had as last week's prompt, Struggle. A Struggle poem came to me as I brushed my teeth. Could they be more unrelated?

My Hands
Finger, thumb pinch the
Tops off beans; snip-crisp! snip-crisp!
Says dinner to me.

Pull that mule enough . . .
Spend eternity with him
In Nietzche's abyss.

Aug 23, 2010


This week's prompt at Haiku-Heights is Festival, which may be used in the poem, and/or evoked in other ways. Here's what I cooked up for over lunch:

Best end to bad drought:
Thunderclaps electric and
Festivals of rain.

Aug 22, 2010

What makes a perfect life?

I had to write a token poem about the optimism of a brand-new day, but then got to wondering: What makes a perfect life? Leave it to me to wonder what's for dinner in Heaven. Here's a three-pack of hopeful little poems.

Dewy starts the day—
Hopeful young and new, all things
Covered in sparkling dew.

My perfect life—
Hot rich quick and young always
With wind in my hair.

We eat in Heaven?
Drink? Screw? Play games? Sudoku?
We live beneath clouds.

How to Join the Circus

How to Join the Circus

Here's info on Big Tent Poetry, a fun site to help you explore your mind!

Aug 21, 2010

Interesting Challenge: Big Tent Poetry

Wordle: Big-Tent-Poetry-Wordle-3

Earlier today, I came across this challenge on a poetry prompt site. The goal: write a poem using as many (or any!) of the words featured in this Wordle.

I wrote four haiku! Since only two entries are allowed, I have to cull. The first one uses eight words of the 13 provided--tough in a haiku! The second uses six. Enjoy~

Old car’s fluid streams
From baked, dry, blown summer hose:
Too many zeroes.

My share of zeroes;
Overbaked and blown, old streams
Dry to my silk hose.


we get to the business of
putting down our roots.