This is a fib poem (experimental haiku) using 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 syllables. Each line is the sum of the previous 2 lines (e.g., 3 plus 5 = 8). Fibs begin with an unseen 0, which is why the first two lines have 1 syllable each.
On his blog, Eric Alder throws some amazing haiku tantrums called Haiku Koo-Koo. Yesterday I decided to quickly crank out my own batch--all related to the workday--as I passive-aggressively waited out quitting time. Fun to blow off steam and share with Jingle's Poetry Rally! Rally on and enjoy...especially if you are reading these on the clock ;-)
His Hotmails go straight to work email's junk: Right where they belong.
I'll never wear this bra with this t-shirt again: Sweatercoat rescue.
New York bosses want everything yesterday: They squeeze us, bleed us.
IM spells danger: Could've been fired for the naughty things I did.
Someone lunched on fish then polluted the garbage: Stinky reminder.
I wonder how my fantasy baseball's going? Time to take a look.
If I just made more money I could afford to leave this quiet death.